When you create a new React app using create-react-app, the initial file structure looks like this:


Here’s a brief explanation of each file and folder:

  • README.md:

    This file contains instructions on how to set up and run the React app, as well as details about the project and its features.

  • node_modules/:

    This folder contains all the dependencies installed by npm (Node Package Manager). You should not modify the files in this folder manually.

  • package.json:

    This file contains metadata about the project, such as its name, version, and dependencies. It is used by npm to manage the project’s dependencies and scripts.

  • .gitignore:

    This file lists the files and folders that should be ignored by Git, such as the node_modules folder and build artifacts.

  • public/:

    This folder contains static files that will be served by the web server. These files are not processed by Webpack, so you can reference them directly using their public URL.

    • favicon.ico:

      The app's favicon.
    • index.html:

      The main HTML file that includes the root element where the React app will be rendered.
    • logo192.png and logo512.png:

      Icons for the app in different sizes.
    • manifest.json:

      A manifest file for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that provides metadata about the app, such as name, icons, and theme colors.
    • robots.txt:

      A text file that gives instructions to web robots (e.g., search engine crawlers) about which pages to crawl and which to ignore.
  • src/:

    This folder contains the source code of the React app, including components, CSS files, and JavaScript files.

    • App.css:

      The CSS file for the App component.
    • App.js:

      The main App component, which serves as the root component for the entire application.
    • App.test.js:

      A test file for the App component, using the Jest testing framework.
    • index.css:

      The global CSS file that applies styles to the entire application.
    • index.js:

      The entry point of the React app, where the root component (App) is rendered to the DOM.
    • logo.svg:

      An SVG logo used in the App component.
    • reportWebVitals.js:

      A utility for measuring and reporting web performance metrics.
    • setupTests.js:

      A file for configuring the Jest testing environment.

In summary, the public folder holds static files, and the src folder contains the source code for the React app. The main entry point for the app is src/index.js, which renders the App component. The App component, defined in src/App.js, serves as the root component for the entire application.